Former Japanese national soccer team forward Tomoyoshi Miura made a guest appearance on Nippon Television’s “Shabekuri 007 2 Hours Special” broadcast on the 20th. “J League Bubble Four Musketeers” was in the studio that day…


Tomoyoshi Miura is proud of his annual salary in the early days of the J.League: “At the same age, Kiyohara-san and Kuwata-san were in billions…”

Tomoyoshi Miura is proud of his annual salary in the early days of the J.League: “At the same age, Kiyohara-san and Kuwata-san were in billions…”
Former Japanese national soccer team forward Tomoyoshi Miura made a guest appearance on Nippon Television’s “Shabekuri 007 2 Hours Special” broadcast on the 20th. “J League Bubble Four Musketeers” was in the studio that day…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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