Nobuhiro Takeda (57), a former Japanese national soccer player and talent, will appear as a guest on Nippon Television’s “Shabekuri 0072 Hours Special” (9:00 p.m.), which will be broadcast on the 20th. He expressed his desire to become the Japan national team coach.


Nobuhiro Takeda is eager to become Japan National Soccer Manager: “I want to do it.” Coach Moriyasu also approves: “I think he’s suitable…”

Nobuhiro Takeda is eager to become Japan National Soccer Manager: “I want to do it.” Coach Moriyasu also approves: “I think he’s suitable…”
Nobuhiro Takeda (57), a former Japanese national soccer player and talent, will appear as a guest on Nippon Television’s “Shabekuri 0072 Hours Special” (9:00 p.m.), which will be broadcast on the 20th. He expressed his desire to become the Japan national team coach.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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