“To Shimazaki, the Land of Peace”, based on the original work by Goten Hamada and the manga by Takeshi Seshita, has been selected as the grand prize winner of the “Mandou Kobayashi Manga Award 2024”. Broadcast on Fuji TV ONE from 11pm on January 29th…


“To Shimazaki, the land of peace” won the Mando Kobayashi Manga Award, Goten Hamada and Takeshi Seshita appeared on the program together

“To Shimazaki, the land of peace” won the Mando Kobayashi Manga Award, Goten Hamada and Takeshi Seshita appeared on the program together
“To Shimazaki, the Land of Peace”, based on the original work by Goten Hamada and the manga by Takeshi Seshita, has been selected as the grand prize winner of the “Mandou Kobayashi Manga Award 2024”. Broadcast on Fuji TV ONE from 11pm on January 29th…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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