[Pickcon] Mijoo (30), a member of the girl group LOVELYZ, has broken up with Song Bum-geun (27), a former J-League player who currently plays for Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors…


Former LOVELYZ Mijoo breaks up with ex-J Leaguer who is 3 years younger than him after 9 months of dating… “We support each other” – Chosun Ilbo

Former LOVELYZ Mijoo breaks up with ex-J Leaguer who is 3 years younger than him after 9 months of dating… “We support each other” – Chosun Ilbo
[Pickcon] Mijoo (30), a member of the girl group LOVELYZ, has broken up with Song Bum-geun (27), a former J-League player who currently plays for Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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