The second episode of ABC TV’s drama series “Love Revolution” (every Saturday *Kansai local) starring Lil Kansai’s Toa Shimazaki (*Saki=Tatsusaki) and Mizuki Yoshida as the heroine will be released on the 18th. ..


Toa Shimazaki & Mitsuki Yoshida’s “Love Revolution” Episode 2 Spoiler Planning “Public Confession” | Oricon News – Iwate Nippo

Toa Shimazaki & Mitsuki Yoshida’s “Love Revolution” Episode 2 Spoiler Planning “Public Confession” | Oricon News – Iwate Nippo
The second episode of ABC TV’s drama series “Love Revolution” (every Saturday *Kansai local) starring Lil Kansai’s Toa Shimazaki (*Saki=Tatsusaki) and Mizuki Yoshida as the heroine will be released on the 18th. ..

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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