Hey! Say! JUMP Kei Inoo reveals the secret story behind the creation of the much-talked-about “Joya no Kane Kankan” Ryosuke Yamada was behind it · Crank In! Trends. Latest…


“Type Pro” fans are thrilled to see former candidates reunite “Too great” “Too precious” “I’m happy for the collaboration – goo News

“Type Pro” fans are thrilled to see former candidates reunite “Too great” “Too precious” “I’m happy for the collaboration – goo News
Hey! Say! JUMP Kei Inoo reveals the secret story behind the creation of the much-talked-about “Joya no Kane Kankan” Ryosuke Yamada was behind it · Crank In! Trends. Latest…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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