Actors Ryuya Miyaze, Nagisa Saito, and comedy duo Chocolate Planet (Shohei Nagata, Shun Matsuo) appeared at the new CM presentation for “Fukutsu no Aoyama” held in Tokyo on the 20th.


Ryuya Miyaze appeared at an event with Nagisa Saito, who co-starred with him during junior high school, “I’ve become an adult…” It’s too appropriate…

Ryuya Miyaze appeared at an event with Nagisa Saito, who co-starred with him during junior high school, “I’ve become an adult…” It’s too appropriate…
Actors Ryuya Miyaze, Nagisa Saito, and comedy duo Chocolate Planet (Shohei Nagata, Shun Matsuo) appeared at the new CM presentation for “Fukutsu no Aoyama” held in Tokyo on the 20th.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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