“Oshinoko” is based on the popular comic by Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari, and has been developed into a variety of media mixes, including anime, live-action movies, and stage plays.


Anime [Oshinoko] Pilgrimage to sacred places! From Toyosu, Tokyo to Takachiho, the mythical village – Mapple Web

Anime [Oshinoko] Pilgrimage to sacred places! From Toyosu, Tokyo to Takachiho, the mythical village – Mapple Web
“Oshinoko” is based on the popular comic by Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari, and has been developed into a variety of media mixes, including anime, live-action movies, and stage plays.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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