Directed by Kazuyuki Izutsu, the youth film masterpiece “Pacchigi!” was ranked number one in the Kinema Junpo Top Ten. This year marks 20 years since its release. Set in Kyoto at the end of the 1960s, a Japanese boy and a Korean…


20th anniversary of release “Pacchigi! ” There are many amazing things going on with the cast, including some who have made a comeback after major scandals.

20th anniversary of release “Pacchigi! ” There are many amazing things going on with the cast, including some who have made a comeback after major scandals.
Directed by Kazuyuki Izutsu, the youth film masterpiece “Pacchigi!” was ranked number one in the Kinema Junpo Top Ten. This year marks 20 years since its release. Set in Kyoto at the end of the 1960s, a Japanese boy and a Korean…

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