A stage greeting after the release of the feature film “Kodoku no Gourmet” (directed by Yutaka Matsushige) was held in Tokyo on January 19th, with appearances by Mr. Matsushige, who played the role of Goro Inogashira, and Kenichi Endo, who played the role of Rokuro Zenpukuji. ..


“Geki Eiga Kodoku no Gourmet” “Goro Inokashira” Yutaka Matsushige & “Rokuro Zenpukuji” Kenichi Endo appear in their role costumes!

“Geki Eiga Kodoku no Gourmet” “Goro Inokashira” Yutaka Matsushige & “Rokuro Zenpukuji” Kenichi Endo appear in their role costumes!
A stage greeting after the release of the feature film “Kodoku no Gourmet” (directed by Yutaka Matsushige) was held in Tokyo on January 19th, with appearances by Mr. Matsushige, who played the role of Goro Inogashira, and Kenichi Endo, who played the role of Rokuro Zenpukuji. ..

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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