The Kitakyushu Invitational Women’s Ekiden Tournament was held in Fukuoka on the 19th, and Kamimura Gakuen finished in first place, winning the high school division for the third time in a row. In the general category, Kyocera from Kagoshima won…


[Breaking News] Kamimura Gakuen wins 3rd consecutive victory at Kitakyushu Women’s Ekiden Invitational Tournament Kyocera wins in general division | TBS NEWS DIG

[Breaking News] Kamimura Gakuen wins 3rd consecutive victory at Kitakyushu Women’s Ekiden Invitational Tournament Kyocera wins in general division | TBS NEWS DIG
The Kitakyushu Invitational Women’s Ekiden Tournament was held in Fukuoka on the 19th, and Kamimura Gakuen finished in first place, winning the high school division for the third time in a row. In the general category, Kyocera from Kagoshima won…

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