Shohei Otani (30 years old), who enjoyed his first champagne fight and appeared on the field, spotted his wife Mamiko (28 years old) who was waiting for her, and approached her with her hand raised, and grabbed his beloved dog…


Shohei Otani to give birth to his first child. His wife Mamiko gave birth at one of America’s leading celebrity hospitals. Miranda Kerr, Victoria…

Shohei Otani to give birth to his first child. His wife Mamiko gave birth at one of America’s leading celebrity hospitals. Miranda Kerr, Victoria…
Shohei Otani (30 years old), who enjoyed his first champagne fight and appeared on the field, spotted his wife Mamiko (28 years old) who was waiting for her, and approached her with her hand raised, and grabbed his beloved dog…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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