B'z: “Omusubi” production supervisor is thrilled with Kohaku’s surprise Scriptwriter Nemoto Nonji also says, “It was a Kohaku that I will never forget” · 3rd place. Detective! Night Scoop: Playing too hard…


This week’s “Tetsuko’s Room”: Goro Noguchi celebrates 55 years since his debut. His mother, who went to Tokyo with him and supported his dream, is now 96 years old…

This week’s “Tetsuko’s Room”: Goro Noguchi celebrates 55 years since his debut. His mother, who went to Tokyo with him and supported his dream, is now 96 years old…
B'z: “Omusubi” production supervisor is thrilled with Kohaku’s surprise Scriptwriter Nemoto Nonji also says, “It was a Kohaku that I will never forget” · 3rd place. Detective! Night Scoop: Playing too hard…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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