Daisuke Sakuma, a member of Snow Man, will appear on “Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma’s Wait, Impossible, Tired…” (Nukabu Broadcasting / Every Saturday from 20:00 to 21:00), in which he serves as a personality…


Daisuke Sakuma opens Instagram and posts for the first time! Snow Man members & Kis-My-Ft2 Toshiya Miyata react one after another

Daisuke Sakuma opens Instagram and posts for the first time! Snow Man members & Kis-My-Ft2 Toshiya Miyata react one after another
Daisuke Sakuma, a member of Snow Man, will appear on “Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma’s Wait, Impossible, Tired…” (Nukabu Broadcasting / Every Saturday from 20:00 to 21:00), in which he serves as a personality…

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