Travis Japan The three-shot of Kaito Matsukura, Takuya IMP. Kageyama, and Shogo Tajima of INI has made all the fans cry, and they’re expressing joy, saying, “It’s just the best.” 2024.11.29 13:55. Model Press · INI Tajima…


INI Shogo Tajima encounters a member at a restaurant he frequents and praises his personality for being “too kind” – Model Press

INI Shogo Tajima encounters a member at a restaurant he frequents and praises his personality for being “too kind” – Model Press
Travis Japan The three-shot of Kaito Matsukura, Takuya IMP. Kageyama, and Shogo Tajima of INI has made all the fans cry, and they’re expressing joy, saying, “It’s just the best.” 2024.11.29 13:55. Model Press · INI Tajima…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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