Scandal comedians, Farewell to the Light of Youth, and comedians who love Higashibukuro have gathered together to appear on “Ametalk CLUB.” Delivered from January 16th (Thursday)…


Terrestrial NG is revealed one after another! “Higashi Bukuro’s Favorite Comedian” will be distributed on Ametalk CLUB – TV Asahi POST

Terrestrial NG is revealed one after another! “Higashi Bukuro’s Favorite Comedian” will be distributed on Ametalk CLUB – TV Asahi POST
Scandal comedians, Farewell to the Light of Youth, and comedians who love Higashibukuro have gathered together to appear on “Ametalk CLUB.” Delivered from January 16th (Thursday)…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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