… It is said that Ninomiya got drunk and revealed the amount he had saved at a drinking party for the members of the channel “Jani no Channel (currently Yonino Channel).” Upon hearing this, Kikuchi said, “I laughed out loud…”


Kazunari Ninomiya’s savings are so huge that Fuma Kikuchi’s knees will laugh [Overall ranking] – MSN

Kazunari Ninomiya’s savings are so huge that Fuma Kikuchi’s knees will laugh [Overall ranking] – MSN
… It is said that Ninomiya got drunk and revealed the amount he had saved at a drinking party for the members of the channel “Jani no Channel (currently Yonino Channel).” Upon hearing this, Kikuchi said, “I laughed out loud…”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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