The novel of the same name by Yasutaka Tsutsui, a giant of Japanese literature, has been adapted into a film by Daihachi Yoshida, director of “Kirishima, Club Club Yamitteyo” and “Trempe l’oeil Fang!” Kyozo Nagatsuka, who has been an actor for 50 years, will be making his first movie in 12 years…


Starring Kyozo Nagatsuka! Co-starring Yumi Kawai and others! Movie “Enemy” Trailer (30 seconds) – YouTube

Starring Kyozo Nagatsuka! Co-starring Yumi Kawai and others! Movie “Enemy” Trailer (30 seconds) – YouTube
The novel of the same name by Yasutaka Tsutsui, a giant of Japanese literature, has been adapted into a film by Daihachi Yoshida, director of “Kirishima, Club Club Yamitteyo” and “Trempe l’oeil Fang!” Kyozo Nagatsuka, who has been an actor for 50 years, will be making his first movie in 12 years…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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