The opening day stage greeting for the movie “Muromachi Burai” (currently showing) starring actor Hiroshi Oizumi (51) was held on the 17th, and co-star Kento Nagao (22) of Naniwa Danshi and others…


Hiroshi Oizumi ego-searches the movie’s reputation on SNS: “I want to be called cute! Cool!” Dissatisfied with the results

Hiroshi Oizumi ego-searches the movie’s reputation on SNS: “I want to be called cute! Cool!” Dissatisfied with the results
The opening day stage greeting for the movie “Muromachi Burai” (currently showing) starring actor Hiroshi Oizumi (51) was held on the 17th, and co-star Kento Nagao (22) of Naniwa Danshi and others…

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