Ranked 9th in the weekly manga ranking by Nippan on January 14th is Kinniku by Yudetamago, whose second season of the third series of the anime began broadcasting from January 12th, 2025.


[2025.1.14 Weekly Manga Ranking] Why is “Kinnikuman” still loved in the Reiwa era? Brocken Jr….

[2025.1.14 Weekly Manga Ranking] Why is “Kinnikuman” still loved in the Reiwa era? Brocken Jr….
Ranked 9th in the weekly manga ranking by Nippan on January 14th is Kinniku by Yudetamago, whose second season of the third series of the anime began broadcasting from January 12th, 2025.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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