The screenplay is an original work by Nemoto Nonji, a screenwriter known for works such as “Honest Real Estate” (NHK), and the theme song is “Illumination” by B'z. The main story is narrated by an illustrator…


Lurie, who was a gal pal in Fukuoka, suddenly visits Yui… What does Yui do to her unemployed girlfriend?

Lurie, who was a gal pal in Fukuoka, suddenly visits Yui… What does Yui do to her unemployed girlfriend?
The screenplay is an original work by Nemoto Nonji, a screenwriter known for works such as “Honest Real Estate” (NHK), and the theme song is “Illumination” by B'z. The main story is narrated by an illustrator…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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