Fuma Kikuchi (29 years old) from the idol group timelesz appeared on the variety show “Nino-san” (Nippon Television) that aired on January 17th. Arashi and Jun Matsumoto by Tsuyoshi Muro…


Tsuyoshi Muro talks about the “Jun Matsumoto episode” and Fuma Kikuchi says, “It’s filled with all the good things about MJ.”

Tsuyoshi Muro talks about the “Jun Matsumoto episode” and Fuma Kikuchi says, “It’s filled with all the good things about MJ.”
Fuma Kikuchi (29 years old) from the idol group timelesz appeared on the variety show “Nino-san” (Nippon Television) that aired on January 17th. Arashi and Jun Matsumoto by Tsuyoshi Muro…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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