Fuji TV’s talk show “Hayaku Watara Asa wa…” (Sunday, 6:30 a.m.), featuring entertainers Naomi Matsui, Kiriko Isono, and Yumi Morio, was broadcast on the 12th.


Yumi Morio responds to the lively love talk by saying, “I’m jealous. There’s no emotion or reason anymore. There’s only reality…”

Yumi Morio responds to the lively love talk by saying, “I’m jealous. There’s no emotion or reason anymore. There’s only reality…”
Fuji TV’s talk show “Hayaku Watara Asa wa…” (Sunday, 6:30 a.m.), featuring entertainers Naomi Matsui, Kiriko Isono, and Yumi Morio, was broadcast on the 12th.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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