“Tokyo Camouflage Hour” starring Kaito Matsukura (Travis Japan) (TV Asahi, every Saturday at 2:30 a.m./ABC TV, every Sunday at 0:10 a.m. *The first broadcast will be at 12:25 a.m.)


Masato Yano, Kyoko Saito, Seiya Shimofuri, and Miku Kawamura will be appearing in the movie “Tokyo” starring Kaito Matsukura.

Masato Yano, Kyoko Saito, Seiya Shimofuri, and Miku Kawamura will be appearing in the movie “Tokyo” starring Kaito Matsukura.
“Tokyo Camouflage Hour” starring Kaito Matsukura (Travis Japan) (TV Asahi, every Saturday at 2:30 a.m./ABC TV, every Sunday at 0:10 a.m. *The first broadcast will be at 12:25 a.m.)

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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