Actor Tori Matsuzaka updated his Instagram on January 17th. It has been announced that Masaki Okada will be appearing in the drama “Ogami Sensei” (TBS) starring Sunday Theater starting January 19th…


Tori Matsuzaka, starring in the drama “Ogami-sensei”, is expected to play a peer role and release information → “The strongest and best combination…

Tori Matsuzaka, starring in the drama “Ogami-sensei”, is expected to play a peer role and release information → “The strongest and best combination…
Actor Tori Matsuzaka updated his Instagram on January 17th. It has been announced that Masaki Okada will be appearing in the drama “Ogami Sensei” (TBS) starring Sunday Theater starting January 19th…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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