If you want to increase your money, there are probably many people who are leaning forward and thinking, “I think investing is better than saving.” It was also the year that the new NISA was launched, and everyone in Japan was saying, “We should do NISA…”


That’s why you become a saving poor…The unfortunate situation of “NISA poor”, “POI poor”, and “cashless poor” where money runs away…

That’s why you become a saving poor…The unfortunate situation of “NISA poor”, “POI poor”, and “cashless poor” where money runs away…
If you want to increase your money, there are probably many people who are leaning forward and thinking, “I think investing is better than saving.” It was also the year that the new NISA was launched, and everyone in Japan was saying, “We should do NISA…”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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