In addition to publishing essay manga on X, Instagram, and blog, he is currently serializing “Everyday Life of an Unsuccessful Manga Artist” (under the name of Shoichi Saeuchi) on the website “Jump Rookie.”


[Manga] For some reason, an old man tells the urologist that he has a “runny nose…” and is asked to go to a different hospital… “Unexpected…

[Manga] For some reason, an old man tells the urologist that he has a “runny nose…” and is asked to go to a different hospital… “Unexpected…
In addition to publishing essay manga on X, Instagram, and blog, he is currently serializing “Everyday Life of an Unsuccessful Manga Artist” (under the name of Shoichi Saeuchi) on the website “Jump Rookie.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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