Based on the historical novel “Muromachi Burai” by Ryosuke Kakine, set in Kyoto just before the Onin War. The main character “Hasuda Bei” = Hiroshi Oizumi, “Honeskin Doken” = Shinichi Tsutsumi, “Saizou” who becomes a master of stick arts, and Kyoto’s best…


“It was a disappointment…” Muromachi Burai Detective Asami’s movie review (impressions/evaluation)

“It was a disappointment…” Muromachi Burai Detective Asami’s movie review (impressions/evaluation)
Based on the historical novel “Muromachi Burai” by Ryosuke Kakine, set in Kyoto just before the Onin War. The main character “Hasuda Bei” = Hiroshi Oizumi, “Honeskin Doken” = Shinichi Tsutsumi, “Saizou” who becomes a master of stick arts, and Kyoto’s best…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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