On the 17th, Naniwa Danshi member Nagao Kento (22) attended the stage greetings for the opening day of the movie “Muromachi Burai” in Tokyo, along with stars Hiroshi Oizumi (51) and Shinichi Tsutsumi (60).


Naniwa Danshi Kento Nagao is amazing! Rokushaku stick handling Special action training with Oizumi “Focusing on the teacher-pupil relationship…”

Naniwa Danshi Kento Nagao is amazing! Rokushaku stick handling Special action training with Oizumi “Focusing on the teacher-pupil relationship…”
On the 17th, Naniwa Danshi member Nagao Kento (22) attended the stage greetings for the opening day of the movie “Muromachi Burai” in Tokyo, along with stars Hiroshi Oizumi (51) and Shinichi Tsutsumi (60).

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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