The original manga “Akeomekotoyoro (New Year’s Card)” by Genrei Kobo (@Genrei_studio) has been published on X (formerly Twitter). The number of likes has exceeded 110,000, and readers…


[Manga] What is the secret that only the “Tatsu and Snake” among the zodiac signs know? 110,000 people agree with the punchline of the 4-panel comic [author…

[Manga] What is the secret that only the “Tatsu and Snake” among the zodiac signs know? 110,000 people agree with the punchline of the 4-panel comic [author…
The original manga “Akeomekotoyoro (New Year’s Card)” by Genrei Kobo (@Genrei_studio) has been published on X (formerly Twitter). The number of likes has exceeded 110,000, and readers…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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