A historical drama that is a live-action adaptation of Akira Yoshimura’s original work “Yuki no Hana.” Set in the late Edo period, the story revolves around a town doctor who works hard to protect people from the smallpox epidemic, and his encounters with various people…


Tori Matsuzaka confronts Koji Yakusho! Making of the movie “Yuki no Hana -Together” – YouTube

Tori Matsuzaka confronts Koji Yakusho! Making of the movie “Yuki no Hana -Together” – YouTube
A historical drama that is a live-action adaptation of Akira Yoshimura’s original work “Yuki no Hana.” Set in the late Edo period, the story revolves around a town doctor who works hard to protect people from the smallpox epidemic, and his encounters with various people…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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