Volume 1 of “Ichika Batika”, which is being serialized by Jinsuke Honma in Weekly Shonen Sunday (Shogakukan), was released today, January 17th. Wakatsu Mameda has a father who is known as the “God of Basketball.”


Volume 1 of the youth basketball manga “Ichika Batika” where a dropout and a lone genius cause a revolution – Yahoo! News

Volume 1 of the youth basketball manga “Ichika Batika” where a dropout and a lone genius cause a revolution – Yahoo! News
Volume 1 of “Ichika Batika”, which is being serialized by Jinsuke Honma in Weekly Shonen Sunday (Shogakukan), was released today, January 17th. Wakatsu Mameda has a father who is known as the “God of Basketball.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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