“René and I” is a NHK World program in which Cameroonian manga artist Rene Hoshino visits young people from overseas living in Japan and supports them with his manga. This time, I am a resident of Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture…


Manga artist Rene Hoshino supports visually impaired international students living in Tsukuba City! Broadcast on January 24th “Ibaraki…

Manga artist Rene Hoshino supports visually impaired international students living in Tsukuba City! Broadcast on January 24th “Ibaraki…
“René and I” is a NHK World program in which Cameroonian manga artist Rene Hoshino visits young people from overseas living in Japan and supports them with his manga. This time, I am a resident of Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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