The movie “Muromachi Burai” is being released in theaters from January 17th. The manga “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” (Shueisha), the Indian movie “RRR”, and the animated movie “Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Team’s Strongest Tactician”…


Reasons why I think the MVP of the movie “Muromachi Burai” is Naniwa Danshi “Kento Nagao.” A story with essentially three main characters…

Reasons why I think the MVP of the movie “Muromachi Burai” is Naniwa Danshi “Kento Nagao.” A story with essentially three main characters…
The movie “Muromachi Burai” is being released in theaters from January 17th. The manga “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” (Shueisha), the Indian movie “RRR”, and the animated movie “Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Team’s Strongest Tactician”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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