Rino Sashihara appeared on the variety show “Goutan Nouveau 2” (Fuji TV), which aired on January 13th. It’s been a long time since Miyawaki Sakura of LE SSERAFIM, who used to work together as HKT48…


Rino Sashihara whispers behind the scenes of her “dialogue with Sakura Miyawaki” “Suspicion of not co-starring with ‘that former AKB48 member'”

Rino Sashihara whispers behind the scenes of her “dialogue with Sakura Miyawaki” “Suspicion of not co-starring with ‘that former AKB48 member'”
Rino Sashihara appeared on the variety show “Goutan Nouveau 2” (Fuji TV), which aired on January 13th. It’s been a long time since Miyawaki Sakura of LE SSERAFIM, who used to work together as HKT48…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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