The TV drama “Fragile” starring TOKIO’s Tomoya Nagase began on January 13, 2016 (Wednesday). Currently, up to the 4th episode has been aired, and there are comments such as “The cast is great!


Kanjani Eight and Akira Yasuda appear in the drama “Fragile”! “Even though I know it’s a drama, I feel like crying”…

Kanjani Eight and Akira Yasuda appear in the drama “Fragile”! “Even though I know it’s a drama, I feel like crying”…
The TV drama “Fragile” starring TOKIO’s Tomoya Nagase began on January 13, 2016 (Wednesday). Currently, up to the 4th episode has been aired, and there are comments such as “The cast is great!

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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