“Josei Seven” (Shogakukan), released on January 16th, reported on the “hot round date” between Snow Man’s Koji Mukai and a beautiful golf talent. The group will celebrate the 5th anniversary of their CD debut on the 22nd…


Snow Man’s Koji Mukai is reported to be dating a golf talent…he hasn’t updated his SNS or mentioned anything.

Snow Man’s Koji Mukai is reported to be dating a golf talent…he hasn’t updated his SNS or mentioned anything.
“Josei Seven” (Shogakukan), released on January 16th, reported on the “hot round date” between Snow Man’s Koji Mukai and a beautiful golf talent. The group will celebrate the 5th anniversary of their CD debut on the 22nd…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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