Mr. Biki, the original author of the manga “Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake” (Kodansha), and Mr. Kumichi Yoshizuki, the illustrator, have created a manga based on the experience of being buried alive by reporter Iwata of this newspaper, and the official “Gendai Business”…


The author of the manga “Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake” depicts the experience of being buried alive by a Sponichi reporter biki says, “Disaster prevention is my own…

The author of the manga “Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake” depicts the experience of being buried alive by a Sponichi reporter biki says, “Disaster prevention is my own…
Mr. Biki, the original author of the manga “Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake” (Kodansha), and Mr. Kumichi Yoshizuki, the illustrator, have created a manga based on the experience of being buried alive by reporter Iwata of this newspaper, and the official “Gendai Business”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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