The drama “Mikoi ~Kakurebotchitachi~” co-stars Kentaro Ito and Nao Yumiki of Nogizaka46. Kento Kosaka is a talented man who works at a publishing company as the editor of the manga magazine “Comic Boon” (…


Kentaro Ito x Nogizaka46, Nao Yumiki’s “Secret Love” by a popular manga artist and editor in charge continues with ups and downs

Kentaro Ito x Nogizaka46, Nao Yumiki’s “Secret Love” by a popular manga artist and editor in charge continues with ups and downs The drama “Mikoi ~Kakurebotchitachi~” co-stars Kentaro Ito and Nao Yumiki of Nogizaka46. Kento Kosaka is a talented man who works at a publishing company as the editor of the manga magazine “Comic Boon” (…

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