Actor Naoruki Matsukawa (33) updated his Instagram on the 10th. The cast of the NHK TV drama series “Tiger ni Tsubasa” gathered for the “BE:FIRST” live show. Matsukawa said, “…


“Tora ni Tsubasa” members gather for “BE:FIRST” live. Newlywed Sari Ito has a sparkling ring on her left ring finger – Entertainment

“Tora ni Tsubasa” members gather for “BE:FIRST” live. Newlywed Sari Ito has a sparkling ring on her left ring finger – Entertainment
Actor Naoruki Matsukawa (33) updated his Instagram on the 10th. The cast of the NHK TV drama series “Tiger ni Tsubasa” gathered for the “BE:FIRST” live show. Matsukawa said, “…

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