Bunka Broadcasting Broadcasting “Recomen!” aired late on January 15th. In “King & Prince Ren Nagase’s Radio GARDEN” in “King & Prince Ren Nagase”, King & Prince Ren Nagase expressed his joy at the decision to hold a dome tour…


Kinpuri Ren Nagase is delighted with the decision to make the duo’s first dome tour: “I’m happy” “I didn’t expect it to come this soon…”

Kinpuri Ren Nagase is delighted with the decision to make the duo’s first dome tour: “I’m happy” “I didn’t expect it to come this soon…”
Bunka Broadcasting Broadcasting “Recomen!” aired late on January 15th. In “King & Prince Ren Nagase’s Radio GARDEN” in “King & Prince Ren Nagase”, King & Prince Ren Nagase expressed his joy at the decision to hold a dome tour…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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