The drama stars Joichiro Fujiwara (28) from Naniwa Danshi, Shiho Kato (26) from Hinatazaka46, and Maria Tani (29). In the first episode, Fujiwara plays Tsuji, Takumi’s classmate…


New program “My Azato Ex-Girlfriend from Azato, what’s wrong with it?” A day off for a girl who is the ultimate guess… – TV Asahi news

New program “My Azato Ex-Girlfriend from Azato, what’s wrong with it?” A day off for a girl who is the ultimate guess… – TV Asahi news
The drama stars Joichiro Fujiwara (28) from Naniwa Danshi, Shiho Kato (26) from Hinatazaka46, and Maria Tani (29). In the first episode, Fujiwara plays Tsuji, Takumi’s classmate…

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