Last November, illustrator Fumihito Ito (74), who lives in Okazaki, Hiratsuka City, won the grand prize in the general category of the 33rd Ryosuke Nasu Caricature Award, which is sponsored by Yumae Town, Kumamoto Prefecture.


Fumihito Ito wins grand prize for his satirical manga | Hiratsuka, Oiso, Ninomiya, Nakai – Town News

Fumihito Ito wins grand prize for his satirical manga | Hiratsuka, Oiso, Ninomiya, Nakai – Town News
Last November, illustrator Fumihito Ito (74), who lives in Okazaki, Hiratsuka City, won the grand prize in the general category of the 33rd Ryosuke Nasu Caricature Award, which is sponsored by Yumae Town, Kumamoto Prefecture.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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