A live-action film adaptation of the mega-hit comic “Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koisuru” (Author: Mashiro), which has sold over 5.5 million copies (paper and digital combined)! The original work is the manga app “GANMA!


Scene photos of characters appearing in “Yamada-kun and Lv999 Love” are now available! | CINEMA FACTORY

Scene photos of characters appearing in “Yamada-kun and Lv999 Love” are now available! | CINEMA FACTORY
A live-action film adaptation of the mega-hit comic “Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koisuru” (Author: Mashiro), which has sold over 5.5 million copies (paper and digital combined)! The original work is the manga app “GANMA!

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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