The episode broadcast on Friday, January 17th will feature Chidori (Nobu, Daigo), Shigekix, Maria Tani, Tetsuro Degawa, Ryota Miyadate (Snow Man), and Murakami (Magical Lovely) (in alphabetical order) )! Around a round table…


Snow Man Ryota Miyadate’s regretful words were said to him by Daigo at a bar. Degawa said, “The location was a mess…

Snow Man Ryota Miyadate’s regretful words were said to him by Daigo at a bar. Degawa said, “The location was a mess…
The episode broadcast on Friday, January 17th will feature Chidori (Nobu, Daigo), Shigekix, Maria Tani, Tetsuro Degawa, Ryota Miyadate (Snow Man), and Murakami (Magical Lovely) (in alphabetical order) )! Around a round table…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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