Fuji Television is currently in the midst of the “90 million yen scandal” involving Masahiro Nakai, but President Koichi Minato will finally hold an emergency press conference on January 17th. “The press conference was originally scheduled for February 28th…


Masahiro Nakai is here too! Active female announcer “Sexual payment” pursuit accusation…Fuji’s reality was no different from “Okiya”…

Masahiro Nakai is here too! Active female announcer “Sexual payment” pursuit accusation…Fuji’s reality was no different from “Okiya”…
Fuji Television is currently in the midst of the “90 million yen scandal” involving Masahiro Nakai, but President Koichi Minato will finally hold an emergency press conference on January 17th. “The press conference was originally scheduled for February 28th…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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