Barbie (40) of the comedy duo “Foreign Love” will appear as a personality on TBS Radio’s “Barbie and Oshinri Research Institute” broadcast on the 14th (Tuesday at 9:30), and will be appearing as a comedian…


Barbie confesses her admiration for romance between comedians… She can’t be honest when she sees female comedians around her, and says, “I got really angry.”

Barbie confesses her admiration for romance between comedians… She can’t be honest when she sees female comedians around her, and says, “I got really angry.”
Barbie (40) of the comedy duo “Foreign Love” will appear as a personality on TBS Radio’s “Barbie and Oshinri Research Institute” broadcast on the 14th (Tuesday at 9:30), and will be appearing as a comedian…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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