Comedian Yasuko (26) appeared on Nippon Television’s “Sekaicho Gourmet 2 Hours Special” (9:00pm), which aired on the 15th, and offered love advice to her co-stars. On this day, I met the actor for the first time…


“I’ve never been in love before,” says a male comedian who recently went out to eat with Yasuko, “I came to LINE yesterday as well.”

“I’ve never been in love before,” says a male comedian who recently went out to eat with Yasuko, “I came to LINE yesterday as well.”
Comedian Yasuko (26) appeared on Nippon Television’s “Sekaicho Gourmet 2 Hours Special” (9:00pm), which aired on the 15th, and offered love advice to her co-stars. On this day, I met the actor for the first time…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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