“Overwhelming visuals” Hinatazaka46’s Natsumi Konishi responds to the “Hatachi Celebration Party” hareki SHOT “It’s too much eye candy” · 9. Mr. Allen discovers a “vegetable bag” that is too realistic → Surprise. ..


The ever-popular BTS “Dynamite” becomes the first Korean artist to be played 2 billion times on Spotify – Nico Nico News

The ever-popular BTS “Dynamite” becomes the first Korean artist to be played 2 billion times on Spotify – Nico Nico News
“Overwhelming visuals” Hinatazaka46’s Natsumi Konishi responds to the “Hatachi Celebration Party” hareki SHOT “It’s too much eye candy” · 9. Mr. Allen discovers a “vegetable bag” that is too realistic → Surprise. ..

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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