Minami Minegishi (32), a TV personality and wife of YouTuber Tetsuya of Tokai On Air, updated her Instagram on the 15th. Released a shot of the parents holding their first daughter, who was born last July…


Minami Minegishi introduces a shot of a parent and child holding their eldest daughter “My hair is so fluffy. Maybe it’s hereditary from my dad.” Her husband…

Minami Minegishi introduces a shot of a parent and child holding their eldest daughter “My hair is so fluffy. Maybe it’s hereditary from my dad.” Her husband…
Minami Minegishi (32), a TV personality and wife of YouTuber Tetsuya of Tokai On Air, updated her Instagram on the 15th. Released a shot of the parents holding their first daughter, who was born last July…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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